Posts by Glenda Fors

Having lived and loved in many countries, I am an expat currently living (and loving!) in Sweden. Always first to give advice in love and money (specifically shopping!), but not the best to preach through example. I love shoes, pugs and ice-cream.

Welcome back to life

A lot has happened since I last blogged about something. I can’t even remember what it was about. I don’t even know why I stopped – or started in the first place. All I know is that I am back. And that for some reason I have traffic on my (until now) dead blog.

Oh, and the stepmother has also become a mother.

baby in beco


Went camping!

We took the kids camping, or the kids took us camping, I don’t know anymore. The important thing is that we packed our (million!) bags, tent, fishing equipment, dogs and food, and went out for a night out in the woods. Two kids, two dogs and two adults sleeping together in a tent for 3. I can say that we weren’t cold! It rained a bit but overall it was nice weather. We caught 4 fishes, grilled burgers and had candy. It was quite hard to fall asleep, so I layed there just looking at the roof and listening to the woods… or at least that what I wished I had been listening to! Instead, I was listening to someone else’s really loud music. Ironic enough, our flat in the middle of Södermalm is actually quieter. At about 3am I woke up with the wind. It was blowing very strong and I was trying to ignore the fact that we were sleeping between trees. Tall trees, strong wind, and a tent are not a good combination! Anyway, we got up at 5 (!), checked the rods for fish, and then the tent was empty, just me and two cosy pugs. Six hours later we are home, fresh and showered, tired, but very happy!

afternoon lake

sitting by the fire



by the fire

at the lake


Walking in Södermalm

Yesterday I decided to take a walk back home from Fotografiska, instead of taking the tube. After the class I felt so inspired that I could not miss the chance to just walk around and practice shooting and experimenting. The light was perfect too. I avoided the straight-way through Götgatan and took off through Mariatorget instead, and this is what I found:














bird on lamp

Bagel street cafe

high key photo

Photo assignment 4: Low and high key

Ok this time the photo assignment was a liiiittle bit more challenging. I had to take a high key photo and a low key photo. High key – I thought – would be easy, as I am good at overexposing (on purpose, of course..), but low key did proved to require more effort and resources.

For the over-exposing, I tried to create a “negative” sort of feeling. For this, I would have to go B/W and with something that would let the light through, so I opted for the fabric flowers in my window:

high key photo

High key photo

high key photo

So far so good. It was time to move on to the low key challenge. First, I had to really understand the concept. I went through my notes and I do must admit that I had to google the technique instead as my notes were pretty much illegible. I did some tests that looked like this:

low key test 1low key test 2







So as you can see “pas terrible”… I even used a flash. Not good, but I was starting to get it. In the end, this is what I managed  – with a flashlight, no other lights, a remote and a very, very patient Rico!



Low key 1

Low key 2

Low key 3

Anna dello Russo collaboration with H&M AW2012

H&M collaboration 2012: Anna dello Russo

Finally! the news are out! This year’s collaboration for AW is with Japanese Vogue editor Anna dello Russo. They promise to bring in lots of accessories with an animal theme. We will definitely be queuing! The accessories junky in me already has her eyes on that beautiful lion clutch bag and the crocodile sunnies!

Anna dello Russo collaboration with H&M AW2012